Shasta Ski-$999. June 9-11

 Registration is closed for this event
With a number of classic ski lines, Mt Shasta is a skiers mountain. Avalanche Gulch, the West Face, and the Hotlum-Wintun Ridge provide big vertical drops, amazing scenery, and potentially some of the best corn snow on the planet. All of these trips include ski mountaineering skills and practice as we ascend and descend the mountain.

This 3 day/2 night ski trip offers a great blend of skiing and adventure.  We gear up on the morning of day 1 and head into base camp.  We go over mountaineering and snow climbing skills at camp to prepare for heading higher on the mountain. The 3 day itinerary gives us more options for skiing and more flexibility and chances for reaching the summit.  We will make a summit attempt with the right conditions on day 2 or day 3 with a summit ski back to camp.  We will also be able to take advantage of some of the other classic ski descents on the mountain.  

This trip meets at the Bunny Flat Trailhead on Mt Shasta on day 1.  The Avalanche Gulch route will be our primary itinerary, but other routes could be used depending on weather and route conditions.

Prerequisites:  Advanced ski or splitboard experience at a ski resort with at least 5-10 backcountry ski or splitboard days of experience.  Guided backcountry ski days and an intro to mountaineering course from TMS are highly recommended before this trip.  Crampons, ice axe, harness, helmet, and all group gear (tents, rope, stoves, backpacking food) are included in trip cost.  Backcountry skis or splitboards with climbing skins will be used to get into base camp.   

June 9th, 2023 9:00 AM to June 11th, 2023 3:00 PM
United States
Event Fee(s)
Shasta Ski $999.00
Mountaineering Course Custom Fields
Mountaineering Course Types Shasta Skiing